Quick Sort Algorithm in JavaScript

Author : Scott Lewis

Tags : javascript, algorithms, data structures

Quicksort is one of the most efficient sorting algorithm with O(log n) Big-O notation. It can be 2x - 3x faster than merge sort. It is another divide-and-conquer algorithm. The algorithm divides the list on a pivot, which can be any number in the list. Any item lower than the pivot is added to a 'left' list. Any item larger than the pivot is added to the 'right' list. The process is repeated recursively with any sub-list with more than 2 items.

Quick Sort Step-by-Step

Pick a pivot point from the original array. The pivot can be any item in the array.

Split the array by placing every item lower than the value of the pivot to the left, and every item whose value is greater than the pivot to the right.

Recursively Steps 1 & 2 for each sub-array.

When the original array is split into sub-arrays of 2 items each, the remaining items are sorted, which results in the entire original array being sorted.

Quick Sort Algorithm in JavaScript

This code is also available as a gist on my github repository.

 * Partitions array into halves.
 * @param items
 * @param left
 * @param right
 * @returns {*}
const partition = (items, left, right) => {
  let pivot = items[Math.floor((right + left) / 2)];

   * As long as the current number on the left,
   * is less than the number on the right,
   * move our two cursors closer to the pivot.
  while (left <= right) {
     * Current item on the left is less than the pivot.
     * Move the lefthand cursor one position to
     * the right until left is not longer less
     * than right.
    while (items[left] < pivot) left++;

     * Current item on the right is greater than
     * the pivot, move the righthand cursor toward
     * the left until this is no longer true.
    while (items[right] > pivot) right--;

     * If we reach a situation where the number on the left
     * is greater than the number on the right, but the cursors
     * lefthand cursor is less than the righthand cursor,
     * we need to swap the positions of the values.
    if (left <= right) {
      [items[left], items[right]] = [items[right], items[left]];
  return left;

 * Performs the sort.
 * @param items
 * @param left
 * @param right
 * @returns {*}
const quickSort = (items, left, right) => {
  let pivot;

  if (items.length <= 1) return items;

   * index returned from partition
  pivot = partition(items, left, right);

   * more elements on the left side of the pivot
  if (left < pivot - 1) quickSort(items, left, pivot - 1);

   * more elements on the right side of the pivot
  if (pivot < right) quickSort(items, pivot, right);

  return items;

// first call to quick sort

var items = [
  62, 52, 88, 51, 26, 40, 13, 44, 83, 30, 10, 31, 99, 79, 81, 45, 33, 97, 17,
  96, 38, 50, 39, 22, 47, 61, 20, 85, 75, 16, 15, 95, 11, 71, 21, 86, 24, 28,
  46, 5, 89, 54, 70, 87, 35, 42, 69, 82, 84, 76, 60, 98, 77, 68, 8, 66, 96, 78,

console.log(quickSort(items, 0, items.length - 1));

You can grab the code from my Github repository for the 30 Days of Algorithms series. Feel free to leave feedback or ask questions in the comments below, or reach me via the Contact Page.

Posted in Algorithms | Tag: javascript, algorithms, data structures

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