30 Days of Algorithms in JavaScript

I recently decided to re-enter the "real world" after freelancing for three years. My very first interview was at InVision. It did not go well, to say the least. The coding test focused on common algorithms in JavaScript, and I bombed. After receiving the polite rejection email, I asked the recruiter for feedback from the hiring team so I could improve.

Sessions for Adobe Illustrator JSX Extension

When I’m working on my icon designs, I often have 4-5 Adobe Illustrator documents open at a time during a work session. Since icon design involves creating large collections of tens, hundreds, or even thousands of icons, I have them broken up into multiple files but find I need to copy a lot of icons between files.

Adobe Illustrator Extensions and Scripts

I have added a new Downloads section to this site. In this section you will find a collection of Adobe Illustrator native extensions as well as Illustrator scripts written in JavaScript (technically, JavaScript Extension). These scripts and extensions were created to help improve my own workflow and now I am sharing them, free-of-charge.

Adobe Illustrator Contact Sheet JSX Plugin

I don't like performing tedious, time-consuming tasks, especially when those tasks are non-revenue generating, which means they take time away from things I could be doing to increase revenue. The most time-consuming and tedious task I have to perform over-and-over is creating contacts sheet previews of my icons. The problem is that every marketplace has different requirements for preview image sizes and so a new contact sheet has to be created for each marketplace.